Tag : Social Media

eBook Bundle about WordPress, Social Media and eMail. eBoek Bundel over WordPress, Social Media en eMail

The Claire Diaz-Ortiz ebook bundle contains the following ebooks:

How to Set Up a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog:
A Guide to Starting Your Own Blog in 9 Minutes or Less
No matter who you are and what your professional and personal goals are, a blog can help you get there. Sadly, most people think that starting a blog is a difficult task — and thus it ends up falling to the bottom of every New Year’s Resolution list. This year, make it your goal to go ahead and put up that website you’ve been thinking about. It’s far, far easier than you think, and this simple guide will walk you through the exact steps to setting up a blog. Through sceenshots and specific instructions, this simple ebook will aid you in easily setting up your site in no time.

Simple Email Success: A Short Happy Guide to Email Mastery

How to Fundraise on Social Media

How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto
In this manifesto on social media marketing, Claire Diaz-Ortiz explores the Top Ten mistakes you’re likely making on a daily basis when marketing your business, brand, or organization on social media.
With humor, honesty, and a light dose of snark, this irreverent guide is for those who want the truth about excelling at social media marketing — sans the sugar coated lollies.

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder:
On Getting Out of the Grind and Getting More Done

Make Better Decisions:
How to Think Less and Decide More
In the eBook Bundle is also included:

  • The Present Principle: Seven Steps to Life in the Now
    There are seven steps to a winning day, and they all begin in the morning. It’s called The Present Principle.
    If you lead your morning, you can lead your life.
  • How to Be a Morning Person
  • Lead by Morning: 365 Days of the Present Principle
  • How to Travel the World for Less than it Costs to Stay Home: Taking Your Life on the Road at a Price You Can Afford.